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What You Should Be Doing in November

Top 5 things you should bee doing soon!

As we mentioned in our Plant Prep for the Cold article, careful consideration on how to prepare for the cold weather will help your flowers and plants look bee-utiful this Spring!

Check out these recommendations for your November to-do list!

Ordering Seeds

  • Many of the seed companies offer incentives that you won't find late winter when everyone else is buying the seeds for the holiday season.

  • A great gift idea for all your green-thumbed relatives

  • Ordering soon, means you’ll avoid that dreaded “sold out” message later on.

Enjoy the Moment

Check out and enjoy your landscaping.

I love watching all of the perennials, trees and shrubs get ready for winter.

We have some truly epic fall color going on and not just from the trees or shrubs like you would expect.

Amsonia is one of my favorite spring blooming perennials but it also puts on a great show for fall. Hard to beat that bright butterscotch colored leaf display.

We even have perennials still blooming.

Check out the purple Monkshood (above).

The bees are fighting over flower rights. This is another reason I don't love cutting everything back. Some perennials hold on until the very last moment of above freezing before they quit their flower show. This is so important for our pollinators.

Protect the Praying Mantis

Praying Mantis Egg sacs

Check for praying mantis egg sacs before you get rid of any of your plants.

  • They love to hide them in plant material especially shrubs and ornamental grasses.

  • These guys are considered beneficial insects so you want to keep them around your garden. We are fans of anything that will eat grasshoppers!

  • Leave them on the plant material if you can. If you have to move them then try to find a similar location. They need to be securely attached to their new location. I try to take whatever they're attached to and move it with them.

  • They need to stay up out of the dirt and dry (they should not sit wet or get buried in the snow).

  • Keep them away from predators. Mice will eat the egg sacs. Gross.

  • If you can't find a location then store them in a container in the refrigerator until spring. The container needs to have breathing holes and also stay dry.

  • Also if you're bored, look up a photo of a baby praying mantis. They're actually pretty cute in a weird way!

Ditch The Disease

Remember to clear off any diseased plant material.

You don't want to be spreading that again for next season.

Bulbs - Plant Them Now!

Bulb planting

It is not too late to plant bulbs!

We do our best planting late in the season. Mainly because that's what our time allows.

If you missed this article - read our advice after planting thousands of bulbs and other tips like re-mulching and more!

A Little Planning Goes a Long Way

We know these steps will have your gardens looking great in the Spring!


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